Build Your Business Strategy
for Your Health, Well-Being & Success!
What you will receive during the program:
- A total of 6 PRIVATE sessions with me.
- One training session: I will personally walk you through a training session for creating your long & short-term business strategy, as well as other assets to help guide you through your year in a sustainable way that supports the success you desire. This session will be between 60-75 minutes.
- 5 additional coaching sessions; The remaining sessions will be between 30-45 minutes each. Your sessions will cover so much more than your business strategy only!
- We will review your draft Business Strategy via private sessions and discuss any concerns or challenges.
- A 27-page 'Business Strategy for Biz Savvy Entrepreneurs' Workbook with a variety of worksheets.
- Availability to answer quick questions between coaching calls.
Because everyone is at a different place and I want to meet you where you are, the time per session may vary slightly, to ensure I meet your needs.
Congratulations on taking this step towards building a balanced lifestyle and achieving business success! Let's get started!